Social Story: My school changed after COVID-19

Social Story: My school changed after COVID-19

As children start to return to child care centers and schools, it is important to help ease the transition. Children may have many emotions about returning to school. They may not fully understand why there are changes in their school. Some teachers and classmates may not return or there may be new faces in the classroom.

All of these changes can be confusing and difficult for children to process.


One way to help ease the transition is through social stories.

Social stories help guide children through a specific topic. We released a new social story that focuses on acknowledging and sharing children’s feelings in reaction to COVID-19. This story also teaches the changes children may experience when they return to school. We also included prompts for teachers to guide the learning process and take advantage of teachable moments. Families can read My school changed after COVID-19 with children before returning to school. Teachers can read this story when their students return to help welcome them back to school.

Social Story: My school changed after COVID-19


Download and print your copy here:

Social Story: My school changed after COVID-19

My school changed after COVID-19


Include information about the changes in your school as applicable.

Social Story: My school changed after COVID-19


Watch our Therapeutic Child Care Services Program Director read the story:





Social Story: My school changed after COVID-19


Additional Resources:



Social Story: My school changed after COVID-19
Social Story: My school changed after COVID-19

My school changed after COVID-19 was written by:

Illustrations adapted from